Friday 19 April 2013

Fake names and 'Tards.

EVERYBODY is obsessed with REAL. As in genuine stuff. Genuine everything. Whether if a product or foods contain real ingredients. Produce that is organic, none of that GMO bullshit. Handbags that are made with real leather. Sites reinforce that captcha bullshit to make sure you are a REAL person.
One of the most frequent question (95% of the time) that comes up in conversation when with a customer is,
"What is your REAL name?"
It's a question that drives me insane. I understand the needs of the genuine REAL stuff in life, but what I don't get is why men feel the strong urge to know a dancer's real name. Does it stroke their ego knowing that she has revealed something personal about herself?
There is already nothing real about me walking over to you striking up meaningless conversation (I just want your wallet), good luck finding me approaching you in another setting.

Noob sitting at a table: Oh your name is Aurie? Well my name is Marvelous the Thunder Storm hurr hurr hurr durrr
Nice one man, you got such a nice come back! It's so ingenious of you! I don't care if you don't give me your real name.


Me: Hi, my name is Aurie, what's your name?"
Noob: Why should I tell you? That's not your real name anyway.

Men don't think for one sheer second about why girls have stage names. They don't think about all the Tom, Dicks, and Harrys that might bump into them on the street that'll be calling out their real names while they're shopping, going to school, or with their boyfriends. Now that'll be an interesting topic to talk about with your partner. "So how do you know that creepy/weird/old/fat/ugly guy that just said your name?" and you'd be like "Oh, just a friend... That I knew from a friend... In a park... I think?" LOL.
With technology nowadays, you'd be fucking surprised what people can find about you just by your first name.

I sometimes like to stroke men's egos by telling them what they want to hear, such as "don't tell anyone this, but since I like you... My real name is Bella". Then what do these asshole do? They shout my fake name out to everbody "SEE YOU BELLA" or "I ENJOYED HANGING WITH YOU BELLA". Those motherfuckers!!!
& They ask "What's your REAL name?" ....Morons.

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